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You can now connect GainSeeker to channels in Microsoft Teams. This lets you post real-time failure alerts, charts, dashboards, dynamic reports, and other information in the Teams channel you specify.
Similar to the existing email features in GainSeeker, you can use the Send To menus in GainSeeker Charts, PC Collect, or Dynamic Reports 2 to send a chart, dashboard, or report to Teams.
You can also create a Windows shortcut to automatically send a GainSeeker chart, dashboard, desktop, or Dynamic Report to Teams.
A new Python teams command lets you construct your own messages with attachments and post them to Teams.
To post real-time data entry failures in Teams, you can set new properties on the sub-inspection and on Numeric Input tests, or use their corresponding new Python commands.
For more information, see Microsoft Teams.
The new DrawTempDataPoint inspection property lets linked Side Panel Charts display a completed subgroup as a new temporary data point.
This lets inspectors see where the new subgroup falls on the chart.
You can use the new CheckFailureTraceability property and its corresponding Python command to automatically report traceability values in real-time failure notifications in email or Microsoft Teams.
More examples of searching for standards with Regular Expressions have been added, like these examples:
To find all standards that begin with "TEMP", enter R:^TEMP as the search string.
To find all standards that end with "TEMP", enter R:TEMP$ as the search string.
To find all standards that begin with "choc" and end with "weight", enter R:choc*.weight as the search string.
To find all standards that contain "Angle" or "Bracket", enter R:Angle|Bracket as the search string.
To use larger buttons, click the File
menu and select Use Large Buttons.
A new ExitAppOnClose Inspection property has been added. If you set it to True, closing the list of sub-inspections will exit the PC Collect module.
A new Snap
to Grid feature makes it easier to align controls on a sub-inspection's
Data Canvas.
A new OPC
UA action makes it easy to generate a basic script to interact
with an OPC UA server.
The new sql.tables.vjoin
command returns a SQL statement that joins the current SPC Data
table to the current SPC Auxiliary table.
Similarly, the new sql.tables.djoin
command returns a SQL statement that joins the current DMS Data
table to the current DMS Auxiliary table.
These new commands simplify Python scripting for GainSeeker database
For a Numeric Input, Defect List, Pass/Fail, or Checkbox test, setting the .visible property to False now hides that test on the Data Canvas.
To uncomment
lines of code, you can now press Ctrl+Shift+4 or right-click the
editor and then choose Uncomment
This replaces pressing Ctrl+Shift+3 to toggle commenting and uncommenting
lines of code.
The command now includes an optional usegscredentials parameter to appends the current user's GainSeeker username, encrypted password, and configuration ID to the command line of the application being launched.
For a Numeric Input test, new commands,, and let you get or set additional settings for the test's SolartronSettings property.
For a Checkbox test, the new inspect.cursubi.checkbox(idx).extratracetext command gets the value that will be stored in the ExtraTrace traceability field.
If a Numeric Input test has a Device Profile set, loading the sub-inspection will not prefill the Data Entry Constant for that test.
You can now rearrange chart tabs by dragging them, similar to the way you can drag tabs in web browsers. Please note this new tab arrangement is not stored with desktops.
When viewing the results of Variation
Wizard analysis, you can now click each row for more information
about significant differences between groups.
The Reset
Password Utility has been rewritten to improve usability and
security. It automatically generates a random password and forces
the user to change their password at the next login.
If GainSeeker is configured to Log changes to System Administration settings, creating a new database connection will now be written to the Audit Trail.