Viewing and changing settings in a tree structure

Each tab on the System Administration screen displays settings and information in a tree structure.


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Navigating the nodes on the tree

Searching for text

The System Administration module features a Search field on the Users, Roles, and Configurations tabs. You must have a branch of the tree open for GainSeeker to display Search results. For example, the TOUR DATABASE configuration branch is expanded in the following example. Enter text for part or all of Configurations setting label or value (or a setting or value contained in the Users or Roles tabs) to have GainSeeker display results that contain the text you enter in the Search field. Results display in the right column under the Search field.

Changing settings

Note:  If you have made changes to settings in the Administration module but have not yet clicked Submit to save those changes, some items (such as Priority Lists in the sample picture above) will prompt you to save or discard those changes before you continue.

To save the changes to your settings, you will need to submit your changes.