Using Settings.hsi to specially configure your system

GainSeeker uses a file named Settings.hsi to customize some system settings and to store your database connection settings.


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Location of Settings.hsi

The location of the Settings.hsi file is determined by the Redirect.hsi file that was created during the GainSeeker client installation.

All GainSeeker workstations should point to this Settings.hsi file.

Settings and how to change them

Changes to these settings will take effect the next time you launch a GainSeeker module.

Optional database settings for specific network users

If desired, you can configure GainSeeker with Settings.hsi files for specific network users and set different database options for those users.

In the folder where Settings.hsi exists, create a sub-folder whose name matches the network user. Copy the Settings.hsi file into this new folder.

You can configure this user's Settings.hsi file with the following user-specific database settings:

When this network user launches GainSeeker, GainSeeker will automatically detect and apply these database settings.