Syncing Data and Note databases

Tip: It is a good practice to run the Note Sync... option on the Note Manager at regular intervals to remove any orphaned notes that do not correspond with any data.

Data and note databases can occasionally become unsynchronized. The GainSeeker Note Sync function can be used to repair broken connections between note and data records, or remove references to notes that do not exist. Note Sync can also be used to delete an "orphaned note" that has no corresponding data record.

This process may take a long time to complete, depending on the size of the two databases. For best results, have all users exit from GainSeeker before using this utility.

Note Sync is accessible from the Note Sync... button on the Note Manager of the in the GainSeeker Utility module.


Note Sync cannot be used if your GainSeeker table names specify a database View.

To synchronize your data and note databases:

  1. Click the Note sync... button on the Note Manager

An informational dialog opens with text describing the process:

  1. Click Start.

The Delete Orphans dialog opens displaying a list of the found orphaned notes.

GainSeeker displays a dialog asking confirmation of the deletions.

GainSeeker then displays a dialog stating how many records were updated (if applicable) and how many orphaned notes were deleted: