Publishing your Inspection

An inspection can be run on a PC, mobile device, or both. (See Differences in PC and Mobile inspections for more information.) When you publish an inspection you indicate on which of the device types you plan to run the inspection. Merely saving an inspection you have created does not make the inspection available for use. You must also publish it, which is a quick and easy task.

Note: If you created and published an inspection for use on a PC prior to GainSeeker version 8.4, you will need to republish that inspection. To republish earlier inspections, open it in the Inspection Editor and use the right-click menu publish options. You do not need to republish mobile inspections published prior to version 8.4.


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Some requirements for PC and Mobile inspections differ. See Platform requirements for more information.

Methods for publishing an inspection:

Publish using the "Publish..." button on the Manage Inspections window

The Publish Inspections window can be used to:

To open the Publish Inspections window:

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