Opening SPC Charts

To create charts, begin by accessing the SPC Charts dialog (shown above) from the GainSeeker Charts module by using either:


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Opening the GainSeeker Charts window from the LaunchPad

The SPC Charts dialog can be accessed from the GainSeeker Charts module.

  1. A quick way to access the GainSeeker Charts module is to open the LaunchPad

  2. Then, click the GainSeeker Charts button.

  3. The GainSeeker Charts window opens:

Access the SPC Charts dialog From the GainSeeker Charts window by using either:

Accessing the SPC Charts dialog

Using the SPC Charts... quick-start button

The SPC Charts dialog opens. See Using the SPC Charts dialog

Note: Quick-start buttons are not available when one or more windows are open on the GainSeeker Charts window.

Using the File menu

  1. Click the File menu on the GainSeeker Charts window.

  2. Click the SPC Charts... option from the drop-down menu.

The SPC Charts dialog opens. See Using the SPC Charts dialog

Using the toolbar

The SPC Charts dialog opens. See Using the SPC Charts dialog