Open a Desktop using a different Part Number or Process

When opening a Desktop, you can temporarily select a different Part Number and/or Process for:

These tasks are accomplished using the Open Desktop with Changes window.

This feature is not available for a DMS Statistics Table chart of all processes or all standards.


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Selecting a different Part Number and/or Process

For SPC data, all dashboard retrievals and most chart families will only support a single Part Number.

For DMS data, some chart families will only support a single Part Number and/or Process.

For these types of chart families and dashboard retrievals, you can follow these steps to temporarily change the single Part Number and/or Process being analyzed:

  1. Select the chart family or dashboard retrieval you want to change. For details, see Opening a Desktop with Changes.

  2. Below the list of part numbers and/or processes, click Change. (The Add and Remove buttons are disabled.)

    This displays the list of Part Numbers and/or Processes.

  3. Select the Part Number and/or Process you want to analyze for this chart family or dashboard retrieval. Then click OK.

Selecting multiple Part Numbers and/or Processes

For SPC data, some chart families will support multiple Part Numbers.

For DMS data, all dashboard retrievals and some chart families will support multiple Part Numbers and/or Processes.

For these types of chart families and dashboard retrievals, you can follow these steps to temporarily change which Part Numbers and/or Processes will be analyzed:

  1. Select the chart family or dashboard retrieval you want to change. For details, see Opening a Desktop with Changes.

  2. To change an existing item in the Part Number and/or Process list:

    1. Select the Part Number or Process you want to change.

    2. Below the list of part numbers and/or processes, click Change.

    3. Select a new item from the list of Part Numbers and/or Processes. Then click OK.

  3. To add more Part Numbers and/or Processes to the analysis, click Add.

    Select one or more items from the list of Part Numbers and/or Processes. Then click OK.

    Repeat this step to add more items.

  4. To remove items from the Part Number and/or Process list, select one or more items and then click Remove.

The Chart family for a DMS chart that analyzes data for all processes or all standards will display an empty list of Part Numbers and/or Processes. You can use the Add button to manually select Part Numbers and/or Processes, and then change or remove these items as needed.

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