Refreshing dashboard data

Any time you open a dashboard window, it will display the latest available data. If a dashboard has been open for any length of time, you might want to refresh it to display any new data.


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Methods for refreshing a dashboard window

There are two main methods for refreshing dashboards:

Tip: You can also use a combination of these two methods. If you design a dashboard to automatically refresh at a specific interval, you can still manually refresh it at any time without disrupting your automatic refresh setting.

Manual methods for refreshing dashboard windows

You can quickly refresh dashboards open on the GainSeeker Charts window so that they display the latest available data. Manual refresh methods will refresh the dashboard(s) that one time only—but you can manually refresh any time you want, even between automatic, timed refresh sessions you schedule.

Method 1


Method 2

Click Window on the GainSeeker Charts menu bar, then:


Automatic methods for refreshing a dashboard window in design/edit mode using timers

By setting dashboard window timers, you can automatically refresh an open dashboard at a time interval you specify in any combination of hours, minutes, and seconds.

There are two main methods for setting dashboard window timers:

A notable difference between these two methods is that design/edit mode is a permanent method for refreshing a dashboard: it will always refresh at the set time interval each time you open it. You can temporarily change the setting in run mode.

Alternately, setting it in run mode is a temporary method for refreshing a dashboard: although it will also automatically refresh at the time interval at which it was set, it will only refresh at that rate for as long as the dashboard is left open for that particular session. So, when you close a dashboard using this method, it will revert back to no timed automatic refresh or back to any timed refresh setting you may have selected for it in design/edit mode.

Setting timers to automatically refresh a dashboard window that has controls

There are several options for setting a timer to automatically refresh a dashboard that has multiple controls. Some you may want to consider, include:

Note: Most dashboard controls can be individually set to automatically refresh and display the latest data any time the dashboard window to which they are assigned is open.

Setting a dashboard so that all of its controls refresh along with it:

  1. Double-click on the dashboard itself to select it, or you can click Dashboard Designer from the drop-down menu located near the top of the Properties dialog box.

  2. Click the drop-down menu in the field to the right of the TimerRedrawsAllContols property.

  3. Click True.

  1. Click in the field to the right of Timer.

  2. Enter the numeric value for which you want the dashboard to refresh, using seconds as the time increment.

Tip: You many want to consider the data entry schedule when determining an automatic refresh time interval. Set the refresh rate accordingly so the dashboard will display it in a timely manner. Unnecessary dashboard refreshing can disrupt other programs you may have running at the same time. However, you can always manually refresh a dashboard in between scheduled automatic refresh sessions.

Setting a dashboard so that none of its controls refresh along with it:

  1. Double-click on the dashboard itself to select it, or click Dashboard Designer from the drop-down menu located near the top of the Properties dialog box.

  2. Click the drop-down menu in the field to the right of TimerRedrawsAllContols.

  3. Click False.

  1. Click in the field to the right of Timer ( above) and enter a refresh rate interval number in time increments of seconds.

Or, you can leave it set at 0:

Setting automatic timed refreshing of a dashboard window in run mode

To set an automatic time interval to refresh a dashboard while it is open (for one session):

  1. Right-click anywhere in the dashboard window to display the context menu.

  2. Click the Timer... option in the menu.

The Select Time dialog box (below) opens.

To set the timer to a specific refresh rate interval:

  1. Click in the Timer Interval text field.

  2. Enter numeric values for hours, minutes, and/or seconds for the interval at which you want the dashboard to refresh. Then, click OK.

Note: When you close a dashboard set to refresh by this method and later reopen it, the dashboard will revert back to any timed automatic refresh time interval you may have set for it in design/edit mode.

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