Changing the Properties for the dashboard and controls

Using the Properties window, you can change the property settings for the dashboard window and any of the dashboard controls you place on the dashboard.

The Properties window opens any time you open a dashboard in design/edit mode.


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Getting familiar with the Properties window

The Properties window drop-down menu

When you open a dashboard in design/edit mode, the Properties window opens with Dashboard Designer preselected in the drop-down list. The properties that display in the properties grid are specific to the dashboard window when this is displayed.

If you click the name of a dashboard control in the drop-down list or click on the control itself, the properties for that dashboard control will display in the Properties window. Because each of the dashboard controls vary somewhat from each other, each will have a unique set of properties and property value options.

Any dashboard control that is assigned to a dashboard will list in the drop-down list of the Properties window. In the following example, the featured dashboard has seven controls associated with it. Clicking on a dashboard control name in this menu (the Button, for example) is one way to display the property settings specific to that control.

If you add two or more of the same type dashboard control to your dashboard window, they will display in the drop-down menu in the order in which they were added. For example, Button 1, Button 2, Button 3... .If any are deleted, they will renumber the next time you add another control of that type to the dashboard or the next time you open the dashboard.

Understanding the Properties window properties grid

The properties options grid is divided into two columns. The left column contains property names that are specific to whichever control (or the dashboard itself) is selected for edit. The right column contains values and options for the properties listed adjacent to each.

About property cells in the properties grid

The left side (column) of the properties grid contains properties—and any subproperties—that are arranged categorically in cells under main headings. The may change depending on the dashboard control you have selected.

To edit a dashboard or any controls associated with it, it must be the active component in the Properties window.

To make a dashboard or control the active component in the Properties window:
To select a property to edit its value:



Click the symbol preceding a category or property to collapse it so that none of its properties or subproperties show.

The Properties window property description

When you select a property by clicking in a cell on the left side of the properties grid, the description of it opens at the bottom of the Properties window to help you understand the property's function:

The property value cells

The right side (column) of the properties grid contains value cells that can be changed for the property located opposite it on the left side of the grid.

Differences between property cell edit methods

The value cells differ on how you are able to edit values for the properties to which they are linked. So, when you click in a value cell, it will only allow you to:

The Properties window toolbar

The Properties window toolbar has two buttons for sorting properties within the property grid. Switch between these two buttons to help locate specific properties using different methods.





Sorts properties alphabetically within their respective categories


Sorts properties alphabetically—independent of their respective categories

The button on the far right on the toolbar is intentionally disabled since it is not needed with GainSeeker Suite.