Entering Traceability in a Template, Planned session or Stored session

Depending on how it has been configured, the template , planned session or stored session may prompt you to enter traceability information by displaying a message similar to the following examples:

Prompt where traceability has not yet been entered for this row.

Prompt where traceability has been entered once for this row.

There are two ways to enter a traceability value at this prompt:

This is the preferred method, because selecting a value from the list avoids typographical errors.  Templates can be configured so that this is the only way to enter the traceability value.

When the pre-defined list is displayed, click on the traceability value that is appropriate for the data you are entering.

This option may not be available if the template is configured to restrict you to the pre-defined list.

If a value is already displayed in the input field, you may need to backspace or delete the previous value before typing your new value.

Tip: If you consistently use some of the same traceability values with a particular template, you can make your data entry process more efficient by creating a planned session or stored session to pre-fill the template with these values.

To view the traceability information entered for this characteristic, click the Traceability tab. In PDA mode , click the Tabs menu and then click Traceability .

This tab also displays other information that will be stored with this subgroup, including corrective action information, the Bypass, and data measurements entered so far.