GainSeeker deployments on Pervasive.SQL or Btrieve database engines were originally designed - and installed - in File mode.
In File mode, GainSeeker could access tables (*.dat files) in multiple folders, and the same table name could be found in multiple folders.
For example: if you maintain separate configurations for Extrusion data and Assembly data, you might have an \Extrusion\ folder with tables (files) named VDATA.dat and DDATA.dat that hold extrusion data, and a separate \Assembly\ folder with tables named VDATA.dat and DDATA.dat that hold assembly data.
The current version of GainSeeker no longer functions correctly in File mode. Instead, GainSeeker databases that use the Pervasive database engine must be converted to Database mode and use Pervasive.SQL database engine version 9.71 or later.
In Database mode, GainSeeker will access all tables (*.dat files) in the same folder.
For example: if you maintain separate configurations for Extrusion data and Assembly data, the folder that contains all of your GainSeeker tables (files) might include tables named VDATA_EXT.dat and DDATA_EXT.dat that hold extrusion data and also tables named VDATA_ASMB.dat and DDATA_ASMB.dat that hold assembly data.
The conversion from File mode to Database mode includes steps such as:
having all users exit all GainSeeker programs
making a backup copy of all GainSeeker data folders
upgrading to Pervasive.SQL version 9.71 or later
installing the ADO.Net provider software for Pervasive.SQL on each GainSeeker workstation
identifying a folder on your database server that will be used for all of the GainSeeker tables (*.dat files)
on your database server, using the Pervasive Control Center (included with your Pervasive.SQL database software) to create a Pervasive database and a Server DSN for that database
configuring GainSeeker with a new database connection that uses the ADO.Net provider software for Pervasive.SQL
creating a new GainSeeker71_O data source name (DSN) using the Pervasive ODBC driver and updating the config_db= and odbc= settings in the Cms.ini on each GainSeeker workstation
creating new table names in the GainSeeker database and moving data from existing tables in other folders to the new tables in the GainSeeker database folder
updating any data entry templates that reference the GainSeeker71_B DSN or the old table names and/or locations
You can choose from two methods for performing this conversion:
To perform this conversion yourself, go to for step-by-step instructions.
To contract with Hertzler Systems to perform this service for you, contact the Sales department at Hertzler Systems.