Parameters to create a Slideshow


See the Example command line below to understand how to use these parameters together.

For the following module:

Add to target line

How this module functions:

GainSeeker Charts


After the charts, the dashboard, or the desktop is drawn:

  • Create the Slideshow, applying the parameters listed below for SS_ChartInterval=, SS_RefreshInterval=, SS_Animation=, and SS_Direction=

  • If the command line does not include the Close parameter, display the Slideshow in GainSeeker

  • If you have GainSeeker Server Edition:

    • Publish the HTML files for this Slideshow, applying the parameters below for SS_Path= and SS_HTMLAnimation=

    • If the command line includes the Close parameter, close the GainSeeker Charts module after creating the HTML files


Set the number of seconds (n) to display one chart or dashboard before automatically changing to display the next chart or dashboard.

If this parameter is not present, GainSeeker will use the Chart Interval you last specified on this computer (default is "15").


Set the number of minutes (n) after which the Slideshow will refresh all the charts and dashboards with the latest data, re-draw all of the charts and dashboards, and recalculate all the statistics. This time interval should be longer than the Chart interval listed above.

If this parameter is not present, GainSeeker will use the Refresh Interval you last specified on this computer (default is "30").



Set the animation effects (n) when the Slideshow changes from one chart or dashboard window to the next:

  • n = 0 : None

  • n = 1 : Wipe

If you choose Wipe, then you can also choose a Wipe direction (nn):

    • nn = 1 : Left

    • nn = 2 : Right

    • nn = 3 : Up

    • nn = 4 : Down

  • n = 2 : Expand

  • n = 3 : Random

If these parameters are not present, GainSeeker will use the Animation and Wipe settings you last specified on this computer (default Animation is "0" and default Direction is "2").


Set the file_path where the HTML files should be published. Do not put a backslash (\) at the end of the path.

Or to display the Slideshow without publishing it to HTML, specify a blank file_path ("").

If this parameter is not present, GainSeeker will use the Slideshow HTML location you last specified on this computer (default is "").

This parameter is only applied if you have GainSeeker Server Edition.


Set the animation effects (n) when the HTML Slideshow changes from one chart or dashboard window to the next:

  • n = 0 : None

  • n = 1 : Left

  • n = 2 : Right

  • n = 3 : Up

  • n = 4 : Down

  • n = 5 : Cycle (Right, Down, Left, then Up)

  • n = 6 : Random

If this parameter is not present, GainSeeker will use the HTML Animation setting you last specified on this computer (default is "0").

This parameter is only applied if you have GainSeeker Server Edition.

Example command line:

GSCharts.exe OpenType=0 Open="4315" Slideshow SS_ChartInterval="5" SS_RefreshInterval="15" SS_HTMLAnimation="6" SS_Path="Q:\Reports"

Launch the GainSeeker Charts module (GSCharts.exe) and open the desktop named "4315" (OpenType=0 Open="4315").

Display this desktop in GainSeeker as a Slideshow (Slideshow) that changes charts every 5 seconds (SS_ChartInterval="5") and refreshes the data every 15 minutes (SS_RefreshInterval="15").

If GainSeeker Server Edition is present: Publish an HTML Slideshow with Random animation (SS_HTMLAnimation="6") to Q:\Reports (S_Path="Q:\Reports").