File Import Wizard for Inspections

The File Import Wizard in GainSeeker Inspections helps you set up PC Collect for file import through a standard Python script.


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Prerequisite - Import script from Design Library

Before you can import any files, you must import the File Import script from the Design Library. You should name the script File Import.

Create a new File Import Configuration for each type of file

In the GainSeeker Inspections module, click the File menu and choose Setup File Import.

In the File Import Browser, click New. This will display the File Import Configuration builder. (You can also Copy or Edit existing File Import Configurations.)

Step 1 of 3

On the first step of the File Import Configuration builder:

Step 2 of 3

On the second step of the File Import Configuration builder:

Step 3 of 3

On the third step of the File Import Configuration builder:

Click OK to save this File Import Configuration.

This creates a *.fiw file in your User Documents 2 path.

Run the File Import Configuration in PC Collect

Manual Launch

To use the File Import Configuration you just created, log in to the PC Collect module.

Click the File menu, click Start File Import, and choose the File Import Configuration.

From a Shortcut

A command line to automatically run the File Import Configuration "CMM files", where your "User Documents 2" path is "Q:\GainSeeker\Data\Production\", would looks something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Hertzler Systems\GainSeeker\PCCollect.exe" pythonscript="File Import" fiwcfgloc="Q:\GainSeeker\Data\Production\CMM files.fiw"

Advanced Options for File Import

The steps above describe how to use the standard File Import Python script to process the File Import Configurations created by the wizard.

However, you can also copy the standard File Import Python script and edit it. You will need to hard-code the name of the File Import Configuration, but then you can make any other desired changes about how the script will process that Configuration and import the desired files. Then you can use PC Collect to run this copy of the script from the Start Python function.

Another option is to directly edit the File Import Python script without hard-coding any configuration file names. Your File Import Configurations can still be launched in from the File | Start File Import menu in PC Collect, and your changes will apply to all File Import Configurations launched in this manner.

For more information, see Python Commands.