Frequently Asked Questions about using the GainSeeker Charts module


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FAQs about the GainSeeker Charts module

"So, what's new in GainSeeker version 8.2.1 and 8.2.0?"

"What does the GainSeeker Charts module include?"

The GainSeeker Charts module, available beginning with GainSeeker version 8.2, includes advanced tools for creating SPC and DMS charts and dashboards.

You can also store SPC charts, DMS charts, and dashboards together as desktops that can be retrieved whenever you choose. The companion Dynamic Reports module—available with GainSeeker versions 8.0 and beyond—is equally advanced at helping you to create comprehensive reports.

The GainSeeker Charts module and the Dynamic Reports module are now the leading team in the GainSeeker Suite lineup. They can be used in place of:

DMS Charts and Reports, SPC Charts and Reports, and Enterprise Dashboard modules. These modules are referred to as the LEGACY Charts and Dashboard modules beginning with GainSeeker version 8.2.

With GainSeeker version 8.2, the LEGACY modules are still available for alternate use.

"What is the GainSeeker Charts window?"

The GainSeeker Charts window serves as the backdrop and the control panel for any analysis you perform using the GainSeeker Charts module, beginning with GainSeeker version 8.2. It is open any time you access the new charts module.

"What is the GainSeeker Charts window's relationship to dashboards, charts, and desktops?"

This versatile window serves as the "parent" window to any charts, dashboards, or desktops you have open or that you create. It offers quick-start buttons, a toolbar, and menu options for these items.

About Charts

"How do I get started creating charts?"

"How do I change the display and retrieval settings on charts?"

"Can I save charts and later retrieve them?"

Yes. You can save charts and chart families and their settings by storing them on a desktop (along with any dashboards you design too, if you choose). This is the only method for saving charts to which you need regular access.

"What is a 'Chart Family?'"

A Chart Family (or chart group) forms when two or more charts on the GainSeeker Charts window display data for the same standard or set of values.

For example, if you create a Control Chart, Histogram, and a Data Table for standard D-34K Length in the same session, those charts are considered a group or a chart family in terms of data sharing. The chart family refreshes as a unit, so changing the refresh rate interval changes that rate for all.

"What is the difference between a 'standard' and a 'part number?'"

About Dashboards

"Where can I see examples of GainSeeker Charts dashboards?"

"How do I start designing Dashboards?"

"What is the difference between a Dashboard and a Dashboard Control?"

A dashboard is the "parent window that contains the "children" SPC and DMS dashboard controls that you to add to it. The dashboard controls can each display separate retrievals and occupy the same dashboard window. The controls remain with the dashboard until you delete them or until you delete the dashboard.

"Can I save dashboards so that I can retrieve them later?"

Any dashboard you design or import to the GainSeeker Charts module is saved with a unique name you choose. This allows you to repeatedly retrieve a dashboard and any dashboard controls you have assigned to it. You can also save two or more dashboards together as a retrievable desktop (along with any charts you create too, if you choose).

"What is the difference between a 'standard' and a 'part number?'"

About Desktops

"Can I save SPC charts, DMS charts, and dashboards together and open them whenever I need them?"

Yes. You can save charts and dashboards together as a Desktop using the GainSeeker Charts module, and then open the Desktop any time you need it. Creating a desktop is a quick and simple process and you can store as many desktops as you need. The only method for saving charts to which you regularly need access is to save them as a Desktop.

About the LEGACY Charts and Dashboards modules (pre-versions 8.2.0)

"Are some GainSeeker modules being phased out?"

The GainSeeker Charts module and Dynamic Reports module can now be used in place of these modules:

Beginning with GainSeeker version 8.2, these modules are referred to as the LEGACY Charts and Dashboard modules.

The LEGACY modules are still available with version 8.2 for alternate use.

"Can I import dashboards, charts, and desktops from the LEGACY GainSeeker Charts and Reports and Enterprise Dashboard modules to the GainSeeker Charts module?"

You can only import dashboards from versions 8.1 and earlier to the module, not charts and desktops. You still have convenient access to LEGACY charts, Enterprise Dashboards, Dynamic Reports modules as well as the new GainSeeker Charts module. This new charting module offers so many new options for charting that you may want to give it a try.