Sort order of rows in a Multiple Data Table

By default, a Multiple Data Table is sorted in ascending order by the first Shared Traceability column. Identical rows within that column are also sorted in ascending order by date/time stamp.

For example, if you have configured SPC to display first Shift and then Lot as Shared Traceability columns, SPC first sorts the data records in ascending order by shift. Next, SPC sorts the "Shift 1" data records in ascending order by date/time stamp, followed by "Shift 2" data records sorted in ascending order by date/time stamp, etc.

When the Date/Time column is added to the Shared Traceability columns, you can see how the date/time is used to sort the data records for each shift.

You can manually sort the data by any Shared Traceability column. To do so, click the heading of the column by which you want to sort the data in ascending order.

For example, clicking the Lot column heading in the tables above sorts the data rows in ascending order by Lot number.

To return to the original sort order, click the first of the Shared Traceability column headings. In the sample tables shown above, you would click the Shift heading to return to the original sort order.



Right-click menu and Options menu for a Multiple Data Table

User configuration setting for Multiple Data Table columns

Multiple Data Table

Column headings in a Multiple Data Table

Matching data records in a Multiple Data Table

Retrieval group columns in a Multiple Data Table