Since starting this blog, I’ve been tapping into a variety of lean / quality / continuous improvement blogs. It’s one way to connect with other people around the world, and keep from isolating myself.

I set up Google Reader so I can check all of the blogs from one site, and it takes only a few minutes each morning to scan them and catch up with what others are seeing and saying. I find this especially useful given all the dark economic news we get from main stream media.

Here is my list of the best of the blogosphere…

Evolving Excellence is hosted by SuperFactory. He has a great post today comparing Intel and AMD’s response to the recession.

Curious Cat is worth reading for the title alone. I like this video he posted about Honda’s philosophy.

Lessness looks for simplicity beyond complexity.

Gemba Panta RIE has some great content. I appreciate his recent post about rethinking the USPS because it (the post, not USPS) is really outside the box.

Going Beyond Lean Six Sigma has some really important ideas about business governance and data systems, and the interaction between Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints and other improvement systems.

Got Boondoggle? has some really good posts about improving work through Lean, Six Sigma and the elimination of waste. This post about moving towards simplicy connects work life to personal habits.

Lean Blog is a collection of thoughts and experiences about Lean. Many of his posts are related to lean implementations in the hospital setting, but others are more general interest.

Lean Six Sigma Academy posts thought-provoking content about the lean and Six Sigma. For example, this post connects his experience as a customer at the Pottery Barn with his knowledge of Lean.

Learning about Lean has the tag of “A journey to respect people and eliminate waste.”  I like that. I also like his simple example that finally explains Kanban in a way that even I can understand it.

My Business Musings is a collaborative exchange of ideas and perspectives about business. I’m a guest blogger on the site (If I do say so myself, I’m especially pleased with my last post there “In Gut We Trust“). But I like the other author’s too, including this post about 4 mind-sets and 7 stages of business life.

Shmula has some great posts about business and technology. This post about how Jeff Bezos, CEO at led an impromptu 5 Why problem solving effort is a great example of how leaders should lead.

ISixSigma blogs publishes content from several authors. One of these is Gary Cox, with his cartoon strip about Six Sigma practices.

The Sales Performance Improvement Forum looks at applying continuous improvement to the sales process. I’ve known Mike Webb for some years, and I appreciate his perspective.

That’s my current reading list. Do you have a blog I should add?

Oh – and send me an email (ejmiller at hertzler dot com) if you like an xml file that you can import into your reader with all these blog feeds.