
Thought Leadership


I don't think we have any customers who are "over-trained." People will always be able to get more value out of a tool that they really know and understand. Knowing more about the tool can translate directly into higher individual worker productivity and effectiveness.

By |2024-02-22T08:25:40-05:00August 28, 2009|Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Ready…

Next Generation Dashboards…

If we set aside the (very important) questions about the reliability and repeatability of data for just a minute, the question that comes to the forefront is "what theory shall we apply to the data that characterizes this business process?" Or, in the words of Dr. Deming, "By what method?" shall we reach our goals?

By |2024-11-06T03:58:24-05:00July 22, 2009|Thought Leadership|2 Comments

Data driven – NOT …

The data-driven organization is in sharp contrast to most businesses. Many business leaders don’t realize that they can have it both ways: high value data at low cost. While there may be an infinite number of ways companies fall short of being data driven, our experience is that they fall into three broad camps. I've seen these companies, and maybe you have too. . . .

By |2024-11-06T04:01:38-05:00July 1, 2009|Thought Leadership|1 Comment
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