GainSeeker 7.5 introduces new features for supporting localized (non-English) deployments. However it does not meet all the requirements for a fully localized release. This white paper outlines what can and cannot be done with the system.

What Description Status
Operator prompts during data entry. Messages given to the operator during data entry. Examples might include “Type in a Customer Name” or “Select a defect reason”.


Operator prompts are completely user-defineable and may be written in any language. There are some issues with Chinese characters.
Real time messages Messages delivered during a real-time failure. Examples might include “Out of control on the Range Chart”.

Real time messages are completely user-defineable and may be written in any language.
User-defined labels Traceability fields such as “Customer”, “Operator ID” and so forth.

User-defined labels are completely user-defineable and may be written in any language.
Statistics labels Labels used to identify descriptive statistics such as “Specification Limits”, “Capability Index” and so forth.

Statistic labels are completely user-defineable and may be written in any language.
Windows International Settings Through Windows Control Panel, users can set their currency and decimal settings to match their local practices. These settings control the position and use of decimal points, date/time and so forth.

GainSeeker v7.5 introduces full support for Windows international settings.
Information and Error Pop-up messages Notices and error messages generated by GainSeeker Suite to let customers know when something didn’t work as expected. For example, if the user tries to perform a function for which he does not have security clearance, he will get a message to explain why he can’t perform the function.

Pop-up messages are in English
Menus Drop-down menus (File, Send To…).

Menus are in English
Dialog boxes Dialog boxes that guide a user through an activity such as the Quick Chart dialog in SPC Charts & Reports.

Dialog boxes are in English.

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