The following resources provide information that IT professionals need to successfully deploy GainSeeker® in their organizations:

Latest Releases

See what’s new in the latest versions of GainSeeker products and request the update to the latest version (included with your HertzlerNet subscription)

Tested and Supported Operating Environments

Database types and versions, workstation operating systems, network operating systems, and more

Hardware and Software Requirements

Detailed system requirements for databases, workstations, servers, and mobile data entry devices

Installation Instructions

The steps needed to install GainSeeker throughout your system

Full support for Windows XP has ended

GainSeeker version 8.8.1 (released December 2017) is the last version to be fully supported on the Windows XP operating system.
GainSeeker version 8.9.1 was released in May 2018 and requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5, which cannot be installed on Windows XP.
Windows XP workstations can continue to run older GainSeeker versions (8.0-8.8.1) even when GainSeeker 8.9 or later is installed on other workstations.