We encourage all customers to stay as current as possible with GainSeeker releases.

However, we recognize that they may not be able to upgrade right away when a new version is released.

Therefore, a product is Fully Supported for approximately one year after the release of the next version and is in the Transition Support stage for another year. Two years after a new release, the previous release becomes Unsupported.

Fully Supported means:

  • This version is available from Hertzler Systems.
  • Technical Support is available.
  • The development team will assist with research on issues with this product.
  • Maintenance releases and service packs will be made available as needed.

Transition Support means:

  • Product is no longer available from Hertzler Systems.
  • Technical Support is available.
  • The development team will provide only limited research time on issues with this product.
  • No maintenance updates will be made. Exception: fixes may be provided on an emergency basis for critical issues.

Unsupported means:

  • Product is no longer available from Hertzler Systems.
  • Technical Support is available, but our staff may be limited in what they can do.
  • The development team will not assist with any research needed for this product.
  • No fixes will be made to this product.

Effective June 19, 2024

GainSeeker Suite
Released Fully
In Transition
9.6 December 2023 Today    
9.5 June 2022 Today Starting
December 2024
December 2025
9.4 July 2021     Today
(since June 2024)
9.3 January 2020     Today
(since July 2023)
9.2 April 2019     Today
(since January 2022)
9.1 November 2018     Today
(since April 2021)
8.9 May 2018     Today
(since November 2020)
8.8 October 2017     Today
(since May 2020)
8.7 March 2017     Today
(since October 2019)

All older versions of GainSeeker, SPC, and DMS have been unsupported since March 2019 or earlier.