Rating test

Add a Rating test to a sub-inspection when you want the inspector to rate a particular metric on a scale such as 1 to 5. This type of scale-based metric is also known as a Likert scale. A Rating test can be stored as variable SPC data, attribute DMS (defect) data, or both.

This test is only available for PC Collect data entry. It is not available for iPad data entry on the GS Collect app.

Circumstances in which you may want to add a Rating test to a sub-inspection:

You may want to use the N/A ("not applicable") option for a Rating test if you use the same inspection for similar parts that do not all require this particular test. For example, you might use the same inspection for different kinds of snack foods. When inspecting a fruity or sweet snack food which does not require a score for saltiness, the inspector could select N/A for this Rating test.


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Adding a Rating test to a sub-inspection

  1. Click the Rating test toolbar button to add this test to the sub-inspection.

  2. When prompted, enter a Label that will be displayed above this test during data entry.

  3. Set any properties for this test on the Properties panel that displays after the test is added.

For information about using the Properties panel, see Changing property settings

Rating test properties


Default setting or default display





The label or instructions displayed for this test during data entry.


All On First Row - All buttons are displayed on one row.

You can display the buttons on two rows. Select which button should begin the second row.

For an example of a Rating test with buttons on two rows, see Performing Rating tests.


Regular. Test is full-sized.

Short. Helps you to fit more tests on the screen. Test may be shorter, and white space above and below this test may be reduced.

Behavior & Data


1: , 2: , 3: , 4: , 5: (or similar). The default labels for buttons from Minimum to Maximum (see below).
ShowNA property is True, will also show default label for the N/A button.

By default, no DMS defects are assigned to any buttons, and all buttons use default colors.

You can change the button labels, assign a DMS defect to any button, and set the color for each button. For details, see Setting the ButtonSettings property.

You can double-click on the Rating test to edit this property.


DMS - This Rating test will be stored as a DMS data record. You must set the TraceField property (below) for this test to function correctly. When the inspector selects a rating button for this test and submits the sub-inspection, that button's label will be stored in the traceability field set by the TraceField property. This test will be affected by the Inspection property StoreAll.

SPC - This Rating test will be stored as an SPC data record. You must set the StandardSPC property (below) for this test to function correctly. When the inspector selects a rating button for this test and submits the sub-inspection, that button's numeric value will be stored in the first data field (Data 1) of that SPC data record. If the TraceField property (below) is set, the selected rating button's label will be stored in that field.
Real-time checking for SPC violations (spec, control, runs, trends, etc.) is not available for this test. If you need real-time checks, use a Numeric Input test to store the data.

Both - This Rating test will be stored as a DMS record and an SPC record. You must set both the TraceField property (below) and the StandardSPC property (below) for this test to function correctly. This test will be affected by the Inspection property StoreAll.

DoNotStore - No data records will be stored for this test. (Typically used in conjunction with a Formula test that runs a Python script.)


Use Sub-Inspection Settings.

Apply the settings from the sub-inspection ForceNote property to this test.

Click the ForceNote property and then click the button to choose a combination of options on the ForceNote window for this test. For details, see Setting the ForceNote property.


5 - The maximum rating value.

Choose a Maximum rating value from 1-9. It must be greater than the Minimum rating value (below).


1 - The minimum rating value.

Choose a Minimum rating value from 0-8. It must be less than the Maximum rating value (above).


SameAsTest. If the sub-inspection ShowIndividualNote property is set to True (display Individual Note buttons), enabling this test for user interaction will enable this test's Individual Note button, and disabling this test from user interaction will disable this test's Individual Note button.

AlwaysEnabled. If the sub-inspection ShowIndividualNote property is set to True (display Individual Note buttons), this test's Individual Note button is always enabled, regardless of the enabled/disabled status of this test.

AlwaysDisabled. This test's Individual Note button is always disabled, regardless of the enabled/disabled status of this test.


[blank] - When storing DMS data for this test, the Sample Size for the DMS data record will be 1.

Enter a different sample size for the DMS data record. Typical values are 0 or 1.

If the inspector selects a button that sets a defect, the defect count will be 1 - regardless of this property.

If the inspector selects the N/A button, the data record has Sample Size = 0, NCU = 0, and Number Good = 0 - regardless of this property.


False. When storing DMS data for this test, the NCU (nonconforming units) field is always set to 0 and the Number Good field is always set equal to the SampleSize property (below).

Note: When the configuration setting Set nonconforming units = number of defects is enabled, the data looks as if this property were set to True.

True. When storing DMS data for this test, if the inspector selects a button with a defect, the NCU field is set to 1 and the Number Good field is set to (SampleSize - 1). If the SampleSize property is 0, then NCU and Number Good will also be 0.


If the inspector selects the N/A button, the data record has Sample Size = 0, NCU = 0, and Number Good = 0 - regardless of this property.


False. Does not display the N/A ("not applicable") button for this test.

True displays an N/A button after the Maximum button.


If the inspector selects the N/A button:
- when DataStorage (below) is DMS or Both, the resulting DMS data record has Sample Size = 0, NCU = 0, and Number Good = 0 - regardless of the SetNCU (above) and SampleSize (below) properties.
- when DataStorage (below) is SPC or Both, the resulting SPC data record has empty subgroup values.



Select an SPC standard for which to store a data record for this Rating test.

Required if the DataStorage property (above) is set to SPC or Both.

Short Run process specifications are not available for this property.


A unique TestID number is automatically assigned to each test in the inspection, but you can change this number to a more meaningful name.

The TestID property is only used in Python scripts for PC Collect inspections.

For more information, see About the TestID property

Enter a name for the TestID.



You can specify one or more traceability values that will be applied only to this test on this sub-inspection.

These values will not be displayed to the inspector during data entry.

If you want to store this test's TestID property as a traceability value, enter [testid] .

Any traceability values you set here will override values set by Traceability tests, Inspection properties, Planned Inspection traceability values, etc.



Select a traceability field which in which to store the label of the button selected by the inspector.

Required if the DataStorage property (above) is set to DMS or Both.

Setting the ButtonSettings property


By default:

You can change the label, color, and/or defect for any button.

You can configure different buttons with different settings - colors, defects (including not having a defect assigned), etc.


To configure the buttons, double-click the Ratings test, or use the ButtonSettings property to open the window shown above. Then:

  1. Click any button you want to change.

  2. Label - To change the button label, click in the Label box and enter the desired text. You can also remove the default label (1: , 2: , etc.).

  1. Color - To change the button color, click the button for Selected Color and choose a different color.

  1. Defect - To set a DMS defect for the button, click the button for Defect and choose a defect.

  1. Repeat these steps for another button, or click OK to finish.

Setting the ForceNote property


Use Sub-Inspection Settings

Apply the settings from the sub-inspection ForceNote property to this test.


Set for this test (override Sub-Inspection settings)

Executing a formula for a Rating test

You can optionally choose to execute a formula for a Rating test when certain conditions are met during a running inspection.

See the OnChange topic for specifics about conditions that trigger the execution when a Rating test is used in a sub-inspection with a formula.

Related topic