Using the right-click menus for dashboard controls

Dashboard controls on a dashboard window in run mode feature right-click menu options that may differ depending on the type of control. A few of the less complex controls display the same right-click menu options in run mode as that of the host dashboard.

Dashboard controls on a dashboard in design/edit mode do not display right-click menus independent from the dashboard.

Note: The HTML dashboard control on a dashboard in run mode displays a Microsoft Internet Explorer right-click menu. Refer to Internet Explorer for documentation relevant to this topic.


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Right-click menu options that may be available depending on the dashboard control type


Design Dashboard...



Save and Open...

Send Control To

Send To


View Data...

Big Data SPC control-specific options

The right-click menu for the Big Data SPC control always displays the following options for viewing selected data on a data table or on a chart. This is true even when only one of the two grids - Discrete data or Continuous data - is displayed.


View Data


View Continuous Data

Chart Continuous Data

Dashboard Grid control-specific right-click options

View Failure Data...

Lock column widths / Unlock column widths

To unlock the column widths, select Unlock column widths from the right-click menu. You must have certain rights to Locked Items in the GainSeeker System Administration module to lock or unlock column widths.

Change the data on a dashboard control using the View data... option

You can change a data record or note for a dashboard control using the View data... on the right-click menu of most dashboard controls. The dashboard display will update to include and save the change.

To change a data record:

  1. Right-click a control for which you want to change a data record or note.

  2. Click View data... on the menu that displays.

A Data Table grid of the data opens on the GainSeeker Charts window.

  1. Right-click a row in the table you want to change. Then, click Edit data... or Edit note... on the list that displays.

More information on dashboard Right-click menus