This command sets options for the CHT_DMS command.


CHT_OPT_DMS option_number, "setting"

Valid entries for the option_number and "setting" parameters are:






Reset all CHT_OPT_DMS options to their default settings.




Data Source Name (DSN)

name of a GainSeeker DSN

The default setting is the GainSeeker DSN that was used to launch the SPC Data Entry module and run the current template.

You can use this option to chart data from a different GainSeeker DSN. For more information on specifying data source names, see dsn=.


User or Group Name

an existing user or group name

The default setting is the User or Group Name that was used to log in to the SPC Data Entry module and run the current template.

You can use this option to chart data from a different GainSeeker login name.

Note: This command uses the configuration of the user currently logged into GainSeeker. If you choose to Change Configuration for the current-running data entry session, the original configuration for the GainSeeker user is used with this command. The changed to configuration is not used.


Login password for User or Group Name

login password

The default setting is the login password for the User or Group Name that was used to log in to the SPC Data Entry module and run the current template.

If you specified a different GainSeeker DSN and/or User or Group Name, you can use this setting to specify the login password for the specified GainSeeker login name.


Database login name

database login name

The default setting is the database login name for the GainSeeker DSN that was used to launch the SPC Data Entry module and run the current template. This setting is not used for Pervasive.SQL databases.

If you specified a different GainSeeker DSN, you can use this setting to specify the database login name for that DSN.


Database login password

database login password

The default setting is the database login password for the database login name that was used to launch the SPC Data Entry module and run the current template. This setting is not used for Pervasive.SQL databases.

If you specified a different database login name, you can use this setting to specify the database login password for that database login name.


Date Period.

When retrieving a desktop, this setting will be ignored.


The default setting is the date period currently being used for SPC entry. This is initially set in the specified user or group name's configuration but can be overridden by the DE_OPT 13 command or by using the Session menu during data entry.

The following numbers are valid for this setting:

Periods that include 'today'


Other periods






Last n hours ending now



Last week


One day ending now



Last month


One week ending today



Last quarter


One month ending today



Last three months


One quarter ending today



Last six months


One year ending today



Last year


Today to default low



January this year


Current week



February this year


Current month



March this year


Current quarter



April this year


Current year



May this year


All dates



June this year





July this year





August this year





September this year





October this year





November this year





December this year





First quarter





Second quarter





Third quarter





Fourth quarter





Custom by date


Note: As with all "setting" parameters for this command, the number you specify should be formatted as a string.


High Date/Time for date period 0.

When retrieving a desktop, this setting will be ignored.

date/time stamp

If you use this setting to specify a High Date/Time, you must also use CHT_OPT_DMS 8 to specify a Low Date/Time.

You can specify a date/time stamp using one of two formats:

 the date format that is valid for your Windows regional options

 the HSI date format. This is a 16-character string format (YYYYMMDDHHmmsshh) used to store date/time stamps in GainSeeker tables.


Low Date/Time for date period 0.

When retrieving a desktop, this setting will be ignored.

date/time stamp

If you use this setting to specify a Low Date/Time, you must also use CHT_OPT_DMS 7 to specify a High Date/Time.

You can specify a date/time stamp using one of two formats:

 the date format that is valid for your Windows regional options

 the HSI date format. This is a 16-character string format (YYYYMMDDHHmmsshh) used to store date/time stamps in GainSeeker tables.


Filter name.

The default setting is the traceability filters set for the current template row by the FILTER command.

When retrieving a desktop, this setting will be ignored.

name of existing DMS filter

You can use this setting to name an existing filter that is available to the specified user or group name.


Use the traceability filters set by the FILTER command for template row n.


You can use this setting to specify the SQL string to use for filter_contents.

To view an example of an SQL string, use the DMS Charts and Reports module to create or edit a filter. On the Traceability Filter screen, click the SQL Statement button. For more information on creating and editing filters, see Working with Filters.

To specify that no filters should be applied to the data you are charting, leave the filter_contents blank.


Statistics list format for Pareto charts.

When retrieving a desktop, this setting will be ignored.

name of existing DMS statistics list format

You can use this setting to name an existing statistics list format that is available to the specified user or group name.

This report format will be used when using CHT_DMS "P", 2 to generate a "Statistics List" chart window.

The default setting is the Cms.ini command dstat_list_pareto=.


Statistics list format for DPU charts.

When retrieving a desktop, this setting will be ignored.

name of existing DMS statistics list format

You can use this setting to name an existing statistics list format that is available to the specified user or group name.

This report format will be used when using CHT_DMS "D", 2 to generate a "Report Writer (multiple)" chart window.

The default setting is the Cms.ini command dstat_list_dpu=.


Statistics list format for Control charts.

When retrieving a desktop, this setting will be ignored.

name of existing DMS statistics list format

You can use this setting to name an existing statistics list format that is available to the specified user or group name.

This report format will be used when using CHT_DMS "C", 2 to generate a "Statistics List" chart window.

The default setting is the Cms.ini command dstat_list_control=.


Image size


The size of the chart area for the current row of the template (the default setting).


The full width and height of your screen.


The chart size specified by the System-wide settings for Chart picture size.


The size of the chart area for template row n.


Any eight-digit number in the format wwwwhhhh, where wwww is the width and hhhh is the height.

For Windows XP, the number of pixels is exact.  For Windows 98, 2000, and NT; you must subtract 7 pixels from the height value (hhhh).

Example:     CHT_OPT_DMS 30, "08000600"

This example would create the chart image at 800 by 600 pixels for Windows XP and files at 800 by 607 for Windows 98, 2000, and NT.

This setting allows you to select the size of a chart image up to but not exceeding the current screen resolution. For example, if you screen resolution is set at 800x600, you cannot set the chart image size to 1024x768.


Image attributes

attributes for the <IMG> HTML tag

By default, GainSeeker does not apply any HTML image attributes to the charts generated by the CHT_DMS command.

You can use this setting to specify the HTML attributes that will be applied to the charts generated by CHT_DMS. A list of <IMG> tag attributes is available at the w3schools website


CHT_OPT_DMS 31, ' title="Use the Interact menu to interact with this data."'

This example would add the "title" attribute to the <IMG> tag when the HTML file is generated.


Image only


When using the DMS Charts and Reports module to send a graphic chart to HTML – such as a Pareto chart, Yield chart, etc. – some charts are automatically followed by a statistics list and/or other footer information.

Also, when using the DMS Charts and Reports module to send a text window to HTML – such as a data table, a statistics list, etc. – headers and/or footers may be displayed on the resulting HTML page.  

You can use this setting (the default) to avoid saving this additional information to HTML.


Include the additional information in the HTML.


Body attributes

attributes for the <BODY> HTML tag

By default, GainSeeker automatically applies the HTML body attributes scroll='auto', style='margin:0px' and BGCOLOR="# FFFFFF" to the web pages generated by the CHT_DMS command.

You can use this setting to specify the HTML attributes that will be applied to the web pages generated by CHT_DMS. A list of <BODY> tag attributes is available at the w3schools website


CHT_OPT_DMS 33, ' title="Use the Interact menu to interact with this data."'

This example would add the "title" attribute to the <BODY> tag when the HTML file is generated.


Table attributes

attributes for the <TABLE> HTML tag

By default, GainSeeker automatically applies the HTML table attributes border=1 and cellpadding=3 to the tables generated by the CHT_DMS command.

You can use this setting to specify the HTML attributes that will be applied to the tables generated by CHT_DMS. A list of <TABLE> tag attributes is available at


CHT_OPT_DMS 34, 'border="2"'

This example would set the border="2" attribute for the <TABLE> tag when the HTML file is generated.


Title (first line).

This setting applies only to graphic charts such as Pareto charts, yield charts, etc. It does not apply to text windows such as data tables, statistics lists, etc.

When retrieving a desktop, this setting will be ignored.


Use the Title from the specified user or group name's configuration setting for Print title.

text and/or
statistics codes

Specify free-form text and/or specialized codes for DMS statistics.

You can determine which codes you want to use by launching the DMS Charts and Reports module and changing the chart titles. When copying a co de to the template formula, be sure to include the square brackets [ ] or curly brackets { } that surround it.


Do not display the Title (the default setting).


Subtitle (second line).

This setting applies only to graphic charts such as Pareto charts, yield charts, etc. It does not apply to text windows such as data tables, statistics lists, etc.

When retrieving a desktop, this setting will be ignored.


Use the subtitle specified by the Cms.ini command title_2_dms=.

text and/or
statistics codes

Specify free-form text and/or specialized codes for DMS statistics.

You can determine which codes you want to use by launching the DMS Charts and Reports module and changing the chart titles. When copying a code to the template formula, be sure to include the square brackets [ ] or curly brackets { } that surround it.


Do not display the Subtitle (the default setting).


Unloads the chart object so it is recreated the next time a chart is drawn when used in conjunction with these commands:


Used in conjunction with CHT_OPT_SPC 99, "" and CHT_OPT_DASH 99, "" commands, the chart COM object is destroyed so it can be recreated the next time a chart is drawn.

Note: These settings do not modify or reset any previously executed CHT_OPT_* settings.

Return value

This command does not return a value.


These commands can be executed in any order.


CHT_OPT_DMS 41, "{Process}   {Low date/time} - {High date/time}" :
MySVar "HTML" = CHT_DMS P, "7", ""

This formula first specifies the Subtitle to display on charts. Then it generates a Pareto chart for all Part Numbers and Processes, and it uses this chart to create an HTML file.

CHT_OPT_DMS 6, "9" : MySVar "HTML" = CHT_DMS P, "7", ""

This formula first sets the date period for charts to "Last Month". Then it generates a Pareto chart for all Part Numbers and Processes, and it uses this chart to create an HTML file.