If you’re on our mailing list you’ll get an email from me later today that invites you take a survey about your use of social media. If you’re not on our mailing list, consider this your invitation to take the survey now.  Here is what I wrote to my customers:

In the last few years social media has exploded on the web. Perhaps you already are Linked-In and Twittering – or maybe you’re on Facebook, and bookmarking websites with Delicious.

For the last several months I’ve been dabbling in blogs and twitter.  I can see some great potential for how we communicate with and support our customers, and how we might help our customers connect with each other. Together we can solve more problems and make the world – at least our little corners of it – a better place.

But I need a reality check. Being a data guy, I’d like to get some hard data about what you’re doing with social media today. I invite you click on this link and take a short survey. I’ll use this data to see if we can create better ways to share and discuss information among our customers. Here is the survey.

Once you’ve completed the survey, I invite you to join one or more of my networks. If you’re already on Linked-In, please review my profile and join my personal network using my email address (ejmiller at hertzler dot com). You can also sign up to follow me on twitter. Finally, you can subscribe to my blog in a reader through Feedburner.

Of course I’ll publish the results in my blog, so you can stay tuned there.

Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts.

Interested in the survey and the results? Use the ShareThis button below to mark this page, or leave a comment, tweet me, schedule a conversation, or call 800-958-2709.