If you’re connected to the foods industry, mark your calendar for October 6 at 1pm EDT.

That’s the date we’ve set for our brand new web seminar “How Best-in-Class Food Processing Companies Drive Profits, Increase Efficiency and Reduce Risk”

Over the years, my colleague Tom Albrecht (our VP Bus Dev) has worked with a lot of people in the foods industry, and he has had an amazing range of experiences. I don’t think there’s much he hasn’t seen in one form or another.

I’ve asked him to try to boil it all down to the essence and present it to you on Oct 6 in 45 minutes or less.

This isn’t going to be a sales pitch. Tom is going to share his experience with best-in-class customers and back it up with research provided by the Aberdeen Group. It will be solid content that your team can sink their teeth into.

The seminar is free, and will be delivered to your desk top. But you need to register by following this link. You can also read our press release here.

Hope to see you there. Use the ShareThis button below to mark this page, leave a comment, tweet me, schedule a conversation, or call 800-958-2709.