
Phil Mason

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So far Phillip Mason has created 334 blog entries.

Using real-time manufacturing intelligence to increase sales and flexibility

How does real-time manufacturing intelligence help? A new case study describes how PLZ Aeroscience implemented GainSeeker Suite, resulting in reduced material costs, higher production numbers, reduced inventory and raw material costs, increased revenue, and several other benefits.

By |2024-12-02T03:46:16-05:00May 25, 2016|GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Using real-time manufacturing intelligence to increase sales and flexibility

Tech Tip: Why is my CPK not the same as “The Other” software?

If you are in the manufacturing world, measuring process capability ( Cpk ) is extremely important. That's because you're always striving to improve your numbers. It is no wonder people are very curious as to how their Cpk gets calculated in GainSeeker. If GainSeeker's Cpk does not match someone else's calculation of Cpk... we (the technicians) get a call. Believe it or not the technicians at Hertzler Systems receive this question quite a bit. So, why does this happen?

By |2024-11-06T03:44:23-05:00May 9, 2016|Easy SPC, Easy to Use|Comments Off on Tech Tip: Why is my CPK not the same as “The Other” software?

Improving on time delivery and reducing inventory

We provide a system that captures data immediately across all aspects of the process so that visibility is improved and processes can be analyzed in more detail. Using this approach, one industrial products client reported these results: 30% improvement in on-time delivery, >50% reduction in inventory, and Cycle time for improvement projects accelerated by over 10%.

By |2023-09-27T08:06:49-04:00November 7, 2015|Case Studies, Analyze Using Charts, Features, GainSeeker, Industrial Equipment, Industry, Interfacing, Machining, Monitor KPIs using Dashboards, Real-Time Data Entry, Solutions|Comments Off on Improving on time delivery and reducing inventory
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