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About Hertzler Systems

User conference…

Putting Jay Bronec, customers of both Minitab and GainSeeker as well as people from Minitab and Hertzler Systems in the same room on the same day is a great opportunity to learn. (I even wondered briefly if we should call it a "MUG HUG." Too cheesy.) I can't predict what will come out of it, but it will be good.

Reducing electrical consumption by 16%…

Last February, I started writing down the reading on our electrical meter every morning when I got to work. I subtracted the prior day's reading to get the amount (in Kilowatt Hours) that we used the prior day. After about a month I pasted the data into GainSeeker Suite SPC Software and came up with this chart... I also calculated the average daily cost and sent out a memo to my staff....

By |2024-02-20T09:12:24-05:00April 20, 2009|About Hertzler Systems|Comments Off on Reducing electrical consumption by 16%…
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