
Thought Leadership

Explorers or Settlers – Is Six Sigma DMAIC Linear or Cyclical?

Data is a wild river that holds some great fish that you can eat, but essentially it is blocking you from your next destination. . . . If you're an Act II Settler, that same data river is something that can help drive subsequent cycles of the DMAIC process. In Settler terms you can use it to water your crops, drive a new sawmill, and (once you've invented them) power electric lights and a toaster. . .

By |2024-12-02T03:45:47-05:00December 1, 2008|Thought Leadership|2 Comments

Doing more with less…

What is clear from our experience, and is now supported by research from the Aberdeen Group, is that one of the best ways to do more with less is to empower your people with ready access to accurate, actionable, real-time data. Real-time data helps you respond to problems faster and reduce material costs and scrap and rework costs, and it frees staff for more productive work.. . .

By |2024-02-20T09:06:21-05:00November 4, 2008|Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Doing more with less…
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