General Improvements with GainSeeker version 8.9


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Major new features in GainSeeker version 8.9

Dynamic Desktops make it easy to chart Current Products

Dynamic Desktops provide a new way to draw charts for whatever is currently running.

For example, the picture below creates a desktop for whatever SPC standards have been running on Machine 1400 in the last 24 hours.

This is much simpler than previous methods of creating a separate desktop for each product and all its features, or opening a generic desktop while manually selecting different standards.

You can also use Dynamic Desktops to chart the data for DMS standards or processes, or use Python scripts to chart data that is not even stored in GainSeeker.

New Dashboard 'most recent' Retrievals dynamically filter for most recent values

Two new types of dashboard retrievals - SPC data (most recent) and DMS data (most recent) - let your dashboard find the most recent part number or traceability value that is running and show that on the dashboard control.

For example, this is a DMS data (most recent) retrieval for the most recent Lot number that was entered on Line 1 during the past 24 hours.

Real-time failure colors now displayed on Chart borders

New chart settings for Real-time failure border make it easy to visualize the most critical real-time failure that occurred in the latest data being charted.

These colored borders can be added in the GainSeeker Charts module - and because they can be saved in chart skins, they can also be applied to Inspection charts for data entry!

New Paired Sample Grid automates Correlation analysis

The new Paired Sample Grid dashboard control can look for relationships among multiple SPC datasets.

While GainSeeker's Paired Sample chart analyzes the relationship between two specific SPC datasets with one traceability grouping, this dashboard control retrieves all SPC datasets that meet the criteria you specify and uses all count groupings and traceability groupings you specify to analyze all potential combinations and report those pairs with the highest probability of correlation.

Summary information on Dashboard Grid

A Dashboard Grid control can now display Summary information - Sum, Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum, and/or Range - that is calculated from the values in each column.

A new Summary property for each column allows you to select which of these values to display.

Other new features in GainSeeker version 8.9

Multiple Modules

GainSeeker Inspections

PC Collect


GainSeeker Charts

System Administration

GainSeeker Utility

SPC Data Entry


Online User Guide

More information