
Phil Mason

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So far Phillip Mason has created 335 blog entries.

GainSeeker Suite Enables Dramatic Decrease in Cost of Goods Sold

Consolidated Container Company (CCC) is one of the largest suppliers of rigid plastic packaging in North America. Many of their facilities were using outdated legacy information systems, and the company had no formal standardized quality data system. According to Vicki Slavik, Corporate Quality Director, the company was “an internally focused company, and quality was a pain point for our customers.” Matt Simpson, Corporate Quality Systems Manager, was tasked with recommending a single system to deploy across the company. The new system would provide plant-floor personnel with up-to-the-minute information about their asset’s performance. At the same time, the data would be rolled up across production lines and manufacturing facilities so that leadership at the local and corporate levels could easily see what was happening.

By |2023-09-27T06:19:51-04:00March 28, 2017|Case Studies|Comments Off on GainSeeker Suite Enables Dramatic Decrease in Cost of Goods Sold

Eight Tips for Implementing Defect Management

Defect Management is one of the most effective methods for improving manufacturing operations because it is so simple. Everyone understands the idea of defects, and the statistics are simple and intuitive. People understand a Pareto Chart at a glance. But implementing a Defect Management System takes thoughtful planning. Here are a few key ideas we’ve learned over the years.

By |2024-11-06T01:56:34-05:00February 21, 2017|DataHeads Blogs, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Eight Tips for Implementing Defect Management

Tech Tip: The Variation Wizard for SPC – The Untold Story

Unless one of our technicians provided training to you and your staff, it is very possible you are unaware of the GainSeeker Variation Wizard. The Variation Wizard is just one of the many analysis tools incorporated into our GainSeeker Charts. The Variation Wizard finds the greatest source of variation within a few simple clicks of the mouse.

By |2023-09-27T06:49:37-04:00February 14, 2017|Tech Tips, DataHeads Blogs, Easy to Use, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Tech Tip: The Variation Wizard for SPC – The Untold Story

Improved data visibility drives >70% waste reduction

Every business leader knows that company culture drives performance. You’ve probably heard the adage: “Culture eats strategy for lunch.” Leaders can set all the strategic goals they want, but their efforts stumble if the goals run counter to the company culture. So how do you change culture?

By |2024-12-02T04:07:23-05:00January 26, 2017|Easy to Win, DataHeads Blogs|Comments Off on Improved data visibility drives >70% waste reduction

Food Manufacturer Reduces Waste by Over 70% in Six Weeks

Dan Wadyka, Assistant Director of Quality Control at Giorgio Foods, was caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, new company leadership was pushing for major growth and change. On the other, some managers and supervisors felt that the current way of working was good enough. Wadyka saw an opportunity to support the growth initiatives of the leadership and galvanize support for these initiatives among middle management.

By |2023-09-27T07:05:28-04:00January 26, 2017|Case Studies|Comments Off on Food Manufacturer Reduces Waste by Over 70% in Six Weeks

Tech Tip: Sneak Peek into 8.7 Dashboards

I usually wait until a new version is out to give you the scoop on new and innovated features; however, I just received training in our next release of GainSeeker and I am so excited I have to tell you now! Version 8.7 Dashboards will introduce a new property in our Date/Time feature that I know many of our customers will appreciate! So, while you read this, I hope the excitement and enthusiasm builds!

By |2023-09-27T06:51:22-04:00January 10, 2017|Tech Tips, Easy to Win|Comments Off on Tech Tip: Sneak Peek into 8.7 Dashboards

Behind Rave Reviews of GainSeeker Suite SPC Software

We’ve earned a solid Five Star rating on Capterra, the independent software review site. We’re pretty proud of that. One of the reasons for this success is a decision we made several years ago: we do not pay sales commissions. For most business leaders, getting rid of sales commissions sounds like business suicide. I think it is one of the keys to our success.

By |2024-10-31T07:52:16-04:00December 27, 2016|GainSeeker Suite, Big Data, DataHeads Blogs|Comments Off on Behind Rave Reviews of GainSeeker Suite SPC Software
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