• A GainSeeker SPC Standard defines one characteristic of the part number, item, or process that you are studying. The SPC Standard must be created for each characteristic of a part before you can enter data and generate charts for that characteristic. Without a Standard you cannot store or retrieve data. You also cannot setup real-time alarms for your operators. The SPC Standard is a core foundation of SPC data and it is worth brushing up on.

  • We began thinking about GainSeeker as a platform for quality and manufacturing data a few years ago. Clients achieve business outcomes by building solutions (Use Cases) to specific business problems on top of the GainSeeker Platform. We starting using that platform language because it reflected how our clients were actually using GainSeeker. Even though we saw GainSeeker as an SPC (Statistical Process Control) software solution, our customers were using it for much more. They were solving all kinds of interesting and difficult data problems. But they all boiled down to creative work by our clients and our team to solve real world problems and provide real bottom-line value to our clients.

  • Most people, when I talk with them concerning defects, are familiar with Pareto Charts. They pretty much go hand and hand. I get it, especially with GainSeeker's Pareto Charts you can easily drill-down into them. Not as many people utilize the DPU Charts and I thought it was time to showcase this feature, especially since we added second level grouping in GainSeeker Version 8.8!

  • GainSeeker Suite real-time SPC software can have a profound impact on a business, and even on a whole supply chain. What makes that possible? It seemed to me that we could boil it down to a few really big differences between GainSeeker and most of the rest of the software that is out there for collecting, managing, and analyzing manufacturing quality data. Here is my short list of the top features.

  • When I am fortunate enough to go train our customers, one of the important "side notes" I mention is the fact that we rely on enhancement requests from YOU to help continue to growth of our software product. Throughout the years, customers asked about the ability to create their own custom statistic. If you are on a supported version of GainSeeker® (click here to find out) then you possess the ability to create your very own custom statistic!!!! The Custom Statistics Editor gives you the ability to create, edit, and use SPC or DMS statistics inside GainSeeker. These are created using Python scripts.

  • Recently I had a conversation with a client about his experience using another SPC software system. “It was so frustrating,” he said. “To really get to the data I needed, I had to extract it from several files into a big spreadsheet. It literally took two days to find the data, export it, and then combine it into a format that I could use. It was a huge drain of my time.” Anytime my client needed to drill into a problem, he was staring into a one or two-day data extraction and scrubbing project. With all the other pressures bearing down on him, he didn’t have two-day blocks he could readily give up. It wasn’t that he was lazy, afraid of hard work, or incapable or incompetent. He is highly competent and very bright. And that was the root of his frustration. He knew what to do, but he just had too much on his plate to be able to execute effectively.

  • October 19, 2017News

    GOSHEN, INDIANA October 18, 2017—Hertzler Systems Inc. has released the latest version of its flagship GainSeeker® Suite SPC Software. The latest release builds on the manufacturing intelligence platform to improve analytical tools, enable analytics on external data, and make some common features easier to access. The company's primary product, GainSeeker® Suite SPC software, and related [...]

  • A Performance Chart helps define process capability by grouping data by a traceability value in a Box and Whisker format. This allows for quick visual comparison of data groups by mean and variation. Why don't you follow along with me and lets produce this chart together. In fact, I will show you two ways to produce this chart grouped by Traceability.

  • In the next few weeks we’ll release GainSeeker Version 8.8. The most important new feature? Real-time dashboards that connect to any data source. Manufacturing leaders are often hobbled by antiquated and disparate data systems. These folks are working under tremendous pressure to get results, but they struggle to meet their goals. It isn’t because they’re not working hard; they are. And it isn’t because they don’t know what they’re doing. They’re bright, hard-working and competent. And it isn’t that they lack data. They have lots of data. In fact, they’re drowning in data. But that data is not visible, it’s not timely, it lacks context, or it’s in a form that is pretty much useless. Connecting real-time dashboards to any data source breaks down barriers to data so that information is timely, visible, and actionable. If you have data hidden in your order entry, scheduling system, or factory information system, you can bring it to the light of day on a GainSeeker Dashboard.

  • GainSeeker Tech Tips is going LIVE!! Let me briefly tell you the low down on this fantastic event. We will start having a Tech Tips LIVE Webinar once a quarter. We will set the topic before hand and email / blog out the information to you. Our first event will be held October 19 at 2 p.m. Eastern (11 a.m. Pacific). Byron Shetler, our amazing Chief Technology Officer and "Alpha Geek", will demonstrate our new release, GainSeeker v8.8,