General Improvements with GainSeeker version 8.5.0


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Major new features in GainSeeker version 8.5

GS Analyze: The new face of Mobile GainSeeker Analysis

      • Are you ready to use the browser on your smartphone, tablet, or PC to analyze your GainSeeker data?

      • Are you ready to give colleagues, suppliers, or customers a web link to the live charts and dashboards that are important to them?

      • Are you ready to use fewer IT resources installing the GainSeeker client on workstations or setting up remote access to your GainSeeker system?

Meet GS Analyze – a browser-based analysis tool that performs many functions of the GainSeeker Charts module securely over the Internet or your company intranet.

Because it is browser-based, no GainSeeker installation is required on the client computers. Simply install GS Analyze on a web server with Internet Information Services (IIS) and access it from any device with a web browser. GS Analyze lets you share charts, analytics, and dashboards with suppliers, customers, or colleagues over the Internet.

For more information, see GS Analyze.

GS Analyze intended to replace legacy WebViz program

With the release of GS Analyze, no new features will be added to the legacy WebViz program, and the installation disks for GainSeeker versions 8.5 and newer will not contain an installation program for WebViz.

If you have WebViz already installed on an IIS server, you can continue to use it – although you will likely find GS Analyze to be more powerful and user-friendly.

Planned Inspections for PC Collect and the GS Collect Mobile App

New Planned Inspections shorten your setup time when you have many similar parts and/or processes. They also make it simpler to deploy changes to an Inspection across similar parts and processes.

A Planned Inspection lets you choose an existing Inspection but specify different standards, processes, traceability values, and documents. So instead of creating and publishing multiple Inspections that are almost identical, you create one Inspection for the first part and process and use it as the basis for creating and publishing multiple Planned Inspections.

When changing the Inspection for these parts and/or processes, you only need to change and publish the single Inspection underlying the Planned Inspections. (For the GS Collect mobile app, you also need to re-save the Planned Inspections.) This is much simpler than editing many Inspections that are almost identical.

Your users will run Planned Inspections in the same PC Collect module and/or GS Collect mobile app that you currently use for Inspection data entry.

Device Profiles simplify RS-232 setup for PC Collect

New Device Profiles for Numeric Input tests let you configure a PC Collect Inspection for RS-232 data entry without needing to write Python code:

Also related to this new feature:

      • A new Python command lets you retrieve or set the Device Profile for a Numeric Input test.

      • It is now possible to configure a PC Collect Inspection in which the user can interrupt RS-232 data entry – for example, if the device stops transmitting data – and enter data via keyboard instead.

      • A new TabDirection property for Numeric Input tests lets you change the direction in which the Inspection automatically advances after a measurement is entered.

File Import Wizard simplifies file entry for PC Collect

The new File Import Wizard helps you set up and run different types of file imports without needing to write Python code:

This can be used to import standards, data, or both. Information can be imported from text files and Excel files (*.xls and *.xlsx).

OPC for PC Collect

The PC Collect module can now interface with OPC servers:

      • You can use the new OPC Action to generate a Python script for basic communication with an OPC Classic or OPC DA server.

      • New Python OPC commands let you communicate with an OPC UA server. You can also use these commands to further customize your communication with an OPC Classic or OPC DA server.

Important: To interface with OPC servers via Python, you must install additional components that are not included in the GainSeeker installation.

Instructions for installing the OPC components can be found in an OPCSetup sub-folder of the GainSeeker program folder – typically C:\Program files (x86)\Hertzler Systems\GainSeeker.

Display a Slideshow of charts and dashboards

You can display a Slideshow of charts and dashboards in full-screen mode on your computer.

If you have GainSeeker Server Edition, you can also publish the Slideshow to HTML files. This allows an unlimited number of users to access these files, without requiring additional GainSeeker seats.

Other new features and improvements

Multiple Modules

GainSeeker Charts

  1. In previous versions of GainSeeker, exporting a dashboard would only export its design as a .dbx file - so if you needed to export the referenced items, you had to do so manually. The current version of GainSeeker still allows you to import these .dbx files and manually import the referenced items like you did in previous versions.

GainSeeker Inspections

  1. You can now name the TestID property as desired and write Python scripts that reference that name (between quotation marks).

    In an inspection designed for Mobile devices, this test can now specify an Override Process for displaying defects and storing data. In previous versions, this option was only available on inspections designed for PC.

    The properties DefectList and OverrideProperty have been combined into one Defects property that applies to both PC and Mobile inspections.

PC Collect

GS Collect mobile app

GainSeeker Utility


  1. In previous versions, a changed value in these tests would trigger an OnChange formula only if the user then clicked on another test. Now a changed value in these tests will also trigger an OnChange formula when the user clicks Submit or Cancel.

SPC Data Entry

SPC Designer

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