
Phil Mason

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About Phillip Mason

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So far Phillip Mason has created 334 blog entries.

Using GainSeeker® to track economic trends…

I think I've been in just about every kind of manufacturing setting you can imagine, from potato chips to silicon chips, from plastic bags to golf balls..... I've seen people capture, analyze, and visualize data for product quality, dimensions, scrap, environmental waste, OEE, on time delivery, and many other applications. So what happens when you turn your attention to a broader economic indicator?

By |2024-12-02T03:41:20-05:00September 26, 2012|Easy SPC, Easy to Use, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Using GainSeeker® to track economic trends…

Real-time automated data empowering Precision Machining Industry

Empowering operators with real-time, automated data and drill-down capabilities led to dramatic improvements in first-past yield and reduced scrap costs for a leading Precision Machining company.

By |2024-11-06T04:03:03-05:00July 14, 2011|Case Studies, Analyze Using Charts, Automated, Automotive, Features, GainSeeker, GainSeeker Dynamic Reports, Industry, Machines, Machining, Mobile, Monitor KPIs using Dashboards, Real-Time Data Entry, Solutions|Comments Off on Real-time automated data empowering Precision Machining Industry
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