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Key Performance Indicators

Beyond the hype and the critique – making OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) more effective

The OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) metric has fallen in and out of favor in manufacturing circles over recent years. Beyond the poles of hype and critique, is it possible to navigate a third, thoughtful path that uses the OEE metric to drive business transformation?

By |2024-12-04T05:41:04-05:00July 13, 2015|Big Data, GainSeeker Suite, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Beyond the hype and the critique – making OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) more effective

Big data widget and maximizing Manufacturing Big Data

If you’re struggling to make sense of manufacturing big data, you’re not alone. According to research published last year by The Economist, only 42% of manufacturers have what they consider to be a well-defined data-management strategy. Even more striking, 86% report problems in managing the data they are now generating. According to David Line, Managing Editor, Economist Intelligence Unit, “Manufacturing has been at the forefront of data collection and its importance to quality and cost control is well recognised. But collecting too much data, or failing to analyse what you collect, can be counterproductive.”

By |2024-02-14T08:44:18-05:00February 10, 2015|Big Data, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Big data widget and maximizing Manufacturing Big Data

Data driven with easy “Big Data”…

I'm hearing this complaint a lot recently: “We have all this data stuck out there in all of these systems, and we can't get to it in a timely manner. Sometimes days or weeks go by before we see it. It is so cumbersome to extract, and we're operating so lean that we just can’t sustain this effort. We need to free these people up to do more value-added work. It's killing us.”

By |2024-11-06T03:37:10-05:00March 17, 2014|GainSeeker Suite, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Data driven with easy “Big Data”…

Whatcha See – Soccer and an SPC Software Trial …

You should have multiple people in a variety of roles using data from your SPC software trial deployment. Each person may have very different needs, and in keeping with Covey, you should “Begin with the end in mind.” A good place to start is to identify all of your teammates - that is the stakeholders for your deployment.

By |2024-11-06T03:42:38-05:00January 2, 2014|Easy SPC, Easy to Start|Comments Off on Whatcha See – Soccer and an SPC Software Trial …

Using GainSeeker® to track economic trends…

I think I've been in just about every kind of manufacturing setting you can imagine, from potato chips to silicon chips, from plastic bags to golf balls..... I've seen people capture, analyze, and visualize data for product quality, dimensions, scrap, environmental waste, OEE, on time delivery, and many other applications. So what happens when you turn your attention to a broader economic indicator?

By |2024-12-02T03:41:20-05:00September 26, 2012|Easy SPC, Easy to Use, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Using GainSeeker® to track economic trends…
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