
Phil Mason

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So far Phillip Mason has created 334 blog entries.

“Systems of Insight” replacing “Big Data?”

While I'm naturally inclined to skepticism about the latest buzzword trend, "Systems of Insight" resonates with me. It matches what I see our customers doing with GainSeeker Suite, and the value they're striving to get from working with us. Clearly GainSeeker Suite, as a Manufacturing Intelligence Platform, is aligned with this vision of a System of Insight. Whether we're talking about turning field failures into supply chain leadership, or reducing product giveaway, or knowing where stuff is, or improving manufacturing performance, or any other application of real-time actionable intelligence, the ability to gain insight from data and make better, faster decisions is critical. GainSeeker delivers.

By |2024-10-31T07:47:21-04:00July 15, 2015|Big Data, GainSeeker Suite, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on “Systems of Insight” replacing “Big Data?”

Beyond the hype and the critique – making OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) more effective

The OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) metric has fallen in and out of favor in manufacturing circles over recent years. Beyond the poles of hype and critique, is it possible to navigate a third, thoughtful path that uses the OEE metric to drive business transformation?

By |2024-12-04T05:41:04-05:00July 13, 2015|Big Data, GainSeeker Suite, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Beyond the hype and the critique – making OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) more effective

New AIAG report highlights importance of analytics to identify root causes…

A new report by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) has flagged analytics to identify root causes as one of the critical recommendations in their Quality2020 Survey. The new report is available free from the AIAG website. It looks at data from across the automotive supply chain.

By |2024-10-31T08:02:33-04:00June 11, 2015|Big Data, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on New AIAG report highlights importance of analytics to identify root causes…

Actionable intelligence is key to dealing with NKWSI

In many assembly and fabrication businesses, one of the biggest challenges I’ve encountered is folks simply Not Knowing Where Stuff Is (NKWSI). They lack timely actionable intelligence about their business operations. This is especially problematic when the product is complex, takes multiple shifts to complete, and involves a lot of people.

By |2024-12-02T03:52:32-05:00June 3, 2015|GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Actionable intelligence is key to dealing with NKWSI

Reducing product giveaway – The Packer’s Dilemma

"We were able to reduce the variation in the amount of product put into bottles across a 16-head machine. By bringing all the heads in alignment, we reduced average overpack by two grams. Two grams of our product means absolutely nothing to the consumer. But because of the volumes we run through here, we saved an enormous amount of money, and it all fell directly to the bottom line."

By |2024-10-31T05:04:41-04:00May 6, 2015|GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Reducing product giveaway – The Packer’s Dilemma

Turning field failures into supply chain leadership

A recent report by Gartner notes that although quality receives strong endorsement and support from executive sponsors: “Only 22% of the respondents in a 2015 Gartner study on quality in the supply chain claim quality as an integrated function of their supply chains, and even fewer report is as a discipline. It's no wonder that over half of the high-profile quality failures of the past decade, ranging from flawed product launches, customer and patient safety incidents, and product recalls, are rooted in the extended value chain.” So how do you go about integrating quality across your supply chain?

By |2024-11-06T03:49:53-05:00March 9, 2015|GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Turning field failures into supply chain leadership
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