GainSeeker Version 8.4 Turns Disparate Data Into Real-time Manufacturing Intelligence GOSHEN, INDIANA February 12, 2015—Hertzler Systems Inc. has released the latest version of its flagship GainSeeker Suite SPC software that turns disparate manufacturing data into actionable manufacturing intelligence. Version 8.4 contains everything manufacturers need to focus on critical issues, take proactive steps quicker, and [...]
If you’re struggling to make sense of manufacturing big data, you’re not alone. According to research published last year by The Economist, only 42% of manufacturers have what they consider to be a well-defined data-management strategy. Even more striking, 86% report problems in managing the data they are now generating. According to David Line, Managing Editor, Economist Intelligence Unit, “Manufacturing has been at the forefront of data collection and its importance to quality and cost control is well recognised. But collecting too much data, or failing to analyse what you collect, can be counterproductive.”
Lean manufacturing is evolving towards increased incorporation of information technology into the Lean enterprise. How are you evolving your systems to support this move?
GainSeeker's data brushing feature lets you select the data points you want, then perform actions with those points on the spot. You can draw charts with that data, exclude it, and more. It gives you instantly actionable data.
Did you know that manufacturers with visibility to real-time metrics in manufacturing have a higher average OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) than those who don’t? According to the LNS Research Report: "Big Data - Driving Quality Intelligence at the Speed of Manufacturing", the difference is significant: 5 percentage points higher. You can request your copy of this reporthere.
GainSeeker Get External feature lets you copy and paste data from any text file or table into GainSeeker Suite for a quick and easy way to turn a table of numbers into something far more useful.
I’m amazed by the number of organizations that still lack both the infrastructure and the ingrained, organizational core competency of turning knowledge into action. Why aren’t all organizations Excellence Addicts? Why are so many companies still stuck on the left side of the matrix? So the important question is how do we create a culture that has high measurement maturity? This may be one of the most important questions facing manufacturing today because according to Hofman’s report, “Companies with higher levels of measurement maturity have better overall performance.”
Situation A Vice President of Operations for a US-based electronics manufacturer found his team struggling to identify opportunities to improve their business. Turf wars were common, as were racks of components waiting for rework and retesting. Critical issue Bright, motivated engineers worked independently to optimize their domain. In doing so, they competed with each [...]
Recently we deployed a pilot project for collecting quality check data for a new customer. The pilot is on one line only, but because it involves multiple people, training, custom configurations, and so forth, the detailed deployment plan required a number of steps. The customer's Project Manager for the deployment embodies great project management. He put together a superb plan, and drove it all from a simple spreadsheet. Our project manager, Craig Glick Miller, liked his spreadsheet so much that he made a generic version of it and, with our customer's permission, we offer it here for your review and use.
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