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Phil Mason

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So far Phillip Mason has created 335 blog entries.

Tech Tip: July Tech Tips Live – Moving from Templates to Inspections!

What topic for the next Tech Tips Live would be most beneficial and relevant to our customers? After considering a bunch of ideas, we decided to focus on helping our clients move from Templates to Inspections. And get this, Byron wants to convert a working template into an Inspection right before your eyes! This will be really cool because it will give you a peek into how Byron solves problems. But even more important, it will help you on the path of moving from templates to inspections.

By |2024-02-19T07:27:47-05:00June 5, 2018|DataHeads Blogs, Tech Tips|Comments Off on Tech Tip: July Tech Tips Live – Moving from Templates to Inspections!

New eBook for Overfill and Package Weight Control [Instant Download]

Recently we released a new eBook: Overfill and Package Weight Control. The new eBook outlines a proven approach to ensure compliance while minimizing product give-away. Food manufacturers and packaging companies face difficult and competing challenges. On one hand, increasing and often volatile material costs squeeze profits. On the other hand, government regulations impose stiff penalties on any manufacturer who fails to meet its label claim. Additionally, manufacturer’s reputations suffer if they are perceived to short-change their customers. Fortunately, there are well established, time-tested methods that enable the manufacturer to scientifically optimize their business process to ensure compliance AND minimize product give-away. The Overfill and Package Weight Control Kit summarizes those methods and describes a process to reduce product give-away by the scientific management of product overfill.

By |2023-04-13T12:05:09-04:00April 26, 2018|DataHeads Blogs|Comments Off on New eBook for Overfill and Package Weight Control [Instant Download]

Tech Tip: Multiple Date Range option

Greetings! Today let's talk about the Multiple Date Range feature inside GainSeeker. This little gem is super powerful. It makes looking at summary data across various time periods really easy. Want to see week over week capability for the last quarter for a key product? Piece of cake. How about day-by-day changes in the mean and spread of the process over the last two weeks? Easy. The Multiple Date Range feature makes it so easy to see what is going on in your process, and makes decision-making faster and easier.

By |2023-04-13T12:05:12-04:00April 18, 2018|DataHeads Blogs, Tech Tips|Comments Off on Tech Tip: Multiple Date Range option

New GPL Audit & Compliance Kit includes sample data set

We’re very excited to release our new GainSeeker Platform Library Audit & Compliance Kit. As we’ve shared in the past, the GainSeeker Platform Library (GPL) is a collection of ideas, best practices, and tools for maximizing the value users get from deploying GainSeeker Suite. The GPL Audit and Compliance Kit makes it easy to set up simple audit processes to ensure that routine work is performed accurately and on time.

By |2023-09-27T05:07:00-04:00March 28, 2018|DataHeads Blogs|Comments Off on New GPL Audit & Compliance Kit includes sample data set

Designing GainSeeker Platform Library Solutions

The GainSeeker Platform Library of solutions (GPL) is picking up momentum. While it is still in beta mode, we’re already hearing enthusiastic support from clients. Recently we hosted some deep dive demos into the early draft of a new Audit and Compliance Kit with a handful of clients. These demos were a great learning experience for all of us. These experiences made me want to engage even more closely with you in developing the GainSeeker Platform Library solutions. Here is how you can participate.

By |2024-02-22T07:47:45-05:00February 28, 2018|DataHeads Blogs|Comments Off on Designing GainSeeker Platform Library Solutions

Tech Tip: Three degrees of Python scripts

Python scripts are here, and they are really, really cool. If you have not noticed yet, our PC Collect module continues to replace (and improve on) our "oldie, but goodie" Data Entry Module. One reason PC Collect is replacing Date Entry: you can do so much more "out-of-the-box" using the drag and drop Inspection Editor. The Inspection Editor makes setting up data entry much easier because you don't need to know template commands. And for those Template gurus who create innovative and complex data collection processes, no need to worry. We made it easy to customize Inspections using Python scripts. Before we added Python scripts to Inspections, the only Python I knew was the snake. With just a little experience, I've found Python scripts easy to learn, and they seem more logical than template coding. So this month I decided to write about Python scripts because the more you know, the friendlier it becomes to you. Thus, my title: Three degrees of Python scripts. I thought it might be helpful to think about three degrees or levels of Python scripting skills.

By |2023-04-13T12:05:20-04:00February 26, 2018|DataHeads Blogs, Tech Tips|Comments Off on Tech Tip: Three degrees of Python scripts
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