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New and Improved Real-Time SPC Software Buyer’s Guide

Last year we released our most comprehensive Real-Time SPC Software Buyer’s Guide. The guide had grown from a simple list of cool GainSeeker Suite features into a powerful tool for comparing GainSeeker to other options. This year we took this idea one step further. We decided to call out areas/features that we do not do, or where a particular feature isn’t as strong as we’d like it to be. On the one hand, this seems crazy: what company ever points out anything that might be seen as a weakness? On the other hand, full disclosure and transparency should help you make a better choice. We hope your choice for real-time SPC software will be GainSeeker Suite. But ultimately we want you to make the best choice possible for your company.

By |2024-12-04T05:56:26-05:00May 25, 2017|Easy SPC, DataHeads Blogs, Easy to Start|Comments Off on New and Improved Real-Time SPC Software Buyer’s Guide

Standardized SPC Software Supports Drive to Supply Chain Manufacturing Excellence

A recent example of an increased drive for standardized SPC software across the supply chain comes from Consolidated Container Company’s (CCC) deployment of GainSeeker Suite. Up until recently, GainSeeker Suite was one of several SPC software solutions in use across CCC’s 59 plants in North America. Some months back, the company decided to standardize on a single quality system. After an exhaustive process, they selected GainSeeker Suite as their standard platform for quality data. Find out how it's going.

By |2024-12-02T03:33:24-05:00March 28, 2017|DataHeads Blogs, Easy SPC, Easy to Start, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Standardized SPC Software Supports Drive to Supply Chain Manufacturing Excellence

“We Gotta Get Off Paper…”

“We gotta get off paper.” That theme ran through our early conversations with Dave Frey, Quality Assurance Manager at boat manufacturer Smoker Craft. A surprising number of conversations with prospective clients start with, “We gotta get off paper.” In many cases, they’ve invested heavily in information infrastructure. But in spite of that investment they still lack timely, accurate, actionable information. The good news is that they may not be as far behind as they think they are. These problems can be solved. What it takes is a little bit of technology, and the will to say, “Business as usual isn’t going to be acceptable anymore.”

By |2024-11-06T03:48:03-05:00November 23, 2016|Easy to Start, Easy to Use, Easy to Win|Comments Off on “We Gotta Get Off Paper…”

Overcoming “The Cringe” with a Standardized Defect System

Our latest GainSeeker Suite Case Study tells about a client who dealt with a cringe-worthy situation with a standardized defect system. For our customer, the cringe-worthy situation was chronic customer complaints about products. His company was on a mission to harmonize production capacity. This would help them improve customer responsiveness and operating efficiencies. Their goal was to deliver any product to any customer from any plant in the supply chain. It is a classic supply chain optimization story.

By |2024-02-20T09:07:22-05:00November 2, 2016|Easy SPC, Easy to Start, Easy to Use, Easy to Win, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Overcoming “The Cringe” with a Standardized Defect System

Free Buyer’s Guide Brings Discipline to Real-Time SPC Software Selection

Clients often ask what they should look for in real-time SPC software. For many of our clients, automating their current manual processes, or replacing an existing, inadequate system is something they’ll do once or twice in their entire career. On the other hand, we live, sleep, eat, and breathe real-time data collection and analytics software. We’ve been doing this for a long time, and we have a lot of experience in a lot of industries. So we’re happy to share our expertise. One way we thought we could help is to develop our Real-Time SPC Software Buyer’s Guide.

By |2024-12-04T05:59:35-05:00September 27, 2016|Easy SPC, Easy to Start, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Free Buyer’s Guide Brings Discipline to Real-Time SPC Software Selection

Tech Tip: RS232 and Device profiles in Inspection Editor!!!

One of GainSeeker's best features is reading data from RS232 devices. I hope our current customers utilize this feature. If you have RS232 gauges, but not connected to GainSeeker, you are missing out on being more productive!!! Why make the operators type in the same data the gauges are displaying when we can program to read the data right from the device?!

By |2024-12-02T03:42:03-05:00September 13, 2016|Easy SPC, Easy to Start, Easy to Use, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on Tech Tip: RS232 and Device profiles in Inspection Editor!!!

Best deployment practices for project management

Recently we deployed a pilot project for collecting quality check data for a new customer. The pilot is on one line only, but because it involves multiple people, training, custom configurations, and so forth, the detailed deployment plan required a number of steps. The customer's Project Manager for the deployment embodies great project management. He put together a superb plan, and drove it all from a simple spreadsheet. Our project manager, Craig Glick Miller, liked his spreadsheet so much that he made a generic version of it and, with our customer's permission, we offer it here for your review and use.

By |2024-11-05T07:15:21-05:00November 6, 2014|Easy to Start|Comments Off on Best deployment practices for project management

First encounters with the IoT…

The age of the IoT (Internet of Things) is upon us. New devices and equipment are coming on line all the time, and it can be a little overwhelming. It all contributes to the feeling that there are too many disparate data sources out there. But the IoT has been coming for a while. This post shares our first experience of it.

By |2024-12-02T04:15:08-05:00August 28, 2014|Easy to Start, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on First encounters with the IoT…

Quick turnaround on MicroRidge MobileCollect Wireless gage connection…

The tricky part was something we just take for granted: reading data from two gages coming into one Microridge MobileCollect Wireless system. Evidently we were the first vendor who could distinguish between them and assign the values to the right features. Knowing the flexibility of GainSeeker Suite, I had no doubt that we could meet his requirements. I visited the plant last Thursday, and our deployment tech was on-site first thing this morning (the following Tuesday). By mid-afternoon today we had a working prototype up and running.

By |2024-02-20T09:00:31-05:00April 22, 2014|Easy SPC, Easy to Start, GainSeeker Suite|1 Comment

GainSeeker Kaizen – Leadership for a great launch (Part 2 of 2)

If you've done your prep work for your SPC Software launch, you can enter the white water of the launch with a steady hand and clear eye on your goal. But your work isn't done. Here are five more practices that will help you successfully navigate the actual deployment cycle.

By |2024-02-20T08:51:17-05:00April 10, 2014|Easy SPC, Easy to Start, GainSeeker Suite|Comments Off on GainSeeker Kaizen – Leadership for a great launch (Part 2 of 2)
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