Version 9.1 General Improvements


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Major new features in GainSeeker version 9.1

New Rating test available for Inspection data entry

Collecting and analyzing your Likert scale data has never been easier!

The new Rating test makes it easy to:

New Python commands for the Rating test are also available.

GainSeeker Emails can now use Microsoft Outlook

A new System-wide setting - Email send method used - allows the GainSeeker Charts, PC Collect, GS Console, and Dynamic Reports modules to send email via Microsoft Outlook.  This setting also applies to Python scripts that send email.

New Date options available

Many new date options have been added to current modules such as GainSeeker Charts, PC Collect, GS Console, Dynamic Reports, and System Administration. They include:

Date Period


Previous Day (with data)

This date period searches for the last day where data was found, within the last 10 days, and analyzes the data for just that day.

This makes it much easier to analyze Friday's or Saturday's data on Monday morning - or configure dashboards and desktops to do this.

Previous Sunday
Previous Monday
Previous Tuesday
Previous Wednesday
Previous Thursday
Previous Friday
Previous Saturday

This makes it much easier to analyze Friday's data on Monday morning - or configure dashboards and desktops to do this.

This also makes it possible to configure a Dashboard Grid with one column for each day of the week.

Previous 2 days

This makes it much easier to analyze the weekend's data on Monday morning - or configure dashboards and desktops to do this.

Previous 7 days

Unlike Week ending today, this date period analyzes data from the previous seven days (not including today).

6 months ending today


Dynamic Filtering added for columns in the Dashboard Grid

Would you like to make a Dashboard Grid that automatically updates itself to reflect the latest Shift, Part Number, or Lot Number? Now you can!

A new column property, Limit to most recent, lets you choose a data field - traceability, part number or process (DMS) - that will be used to additionally filter the column, based on the most recent value in that field.

New Customizable Button for Inspections

The new Python command inspect.messagearea.script converts the Message Area into a button that runs a Python script when clicked.

New Note windows for Inspections

When using the individual Note for a Test, the inspector can now enter Event, Cause, Action Taken, and/or Anchor Point data for that test - without affecting any other tests on the sub-inspection.

Individual Note button for the Defect List test



Individual Note for a DMS test like Defect List




Individual Note for an SPC test like Numeric Input

New Python inspection commands can also be used to set these values for a test.

New Sub-inspection and Test options to Force Notes for Failures

With the new Note windows shown above, you now have new options that require the inspector to enter an Event, Cause, and/or Action Taken when a defect or real-time failure is present.

You can set this requirement for the sub-inspection:

and for a Defect List, Numeric Input, Pass/Fail, or Rating test:

New Python inspection commands can also be used to set these values for the sub-inspection and for a test.

Database Support added for SQL Server on Linux

You can now install GainSeeker on a SQL Server for Linux database using SQL Server authentication.

For more information, see Setting up GainSeeker on a SQL Server database.

64-bit version of GainSeeker Charts now available

For analysis of large data sets and complex dashboards, a 64-bit version of the GainSeeker Charts module is now available.

Other new features in GainSeeker version 9.1

GainSeeker Inspections

PC Collect


GainSeeker Charts

Online User Guide

More information