General Improvements with GainSeeker versions 8.3.1 and 8.3.0


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Upgrading to versions 8.3.1 and 8.3.0

The GainSeeker Installation and upgrading instructions for the System Requirements have been changed to reflect this information:

For more information, see Installing or Upgrading GainSeeker

What's new in GainSeeker Service Pack 8.3.1

Save display settings as a Chart Skin

Now you can save multiple display settings as a chart skin that can be easily and quickly applied to charts. While this makes analyzing data more visually engaging, it also has practical applications. All settings in the Charts Overrides node of the charts Settings dialog in the GainSeeker Charts module can be saved as a DMS or SPC skin, including what limits to display, how data is scaled, chart titles, and more.

You can also apply a Chart Skin to a Dashboard chart

GainSeeker System administrators might want to use chart skins to standardize how chart data displays for all users. This can help ensure that all the analysts in your organization see data displayed the same way, which can be important when decisions are made based on data.

For more information, see Chart Skins

Try these ready-to-apply chart skins included with GainSeeker

Above is an example of a Control chart with the Techster Chart Skin applied, one of the ready-to-apply chart skin themes now included with GainSeeker. Below is an example of Data Head Chart Skin.

Add an image to the chart background

Now you can add an image to the background of a chart. In addition to making your data analysis more visually engaging, it can serve a practical purpose. For example, if your company sends a copy of a chart with shipped product, you might consider adding an image of your company logo to the chart background as shown in the upper-left corner in the chart below. You can also save the background image as a chart skin

For more information and examples, see Adding a background image to a chart

Specify a color for each OEE metric

Now you can specify a color for each of the OEE metrics: Availability, Performance, Quality, and overall OEE. The assigned colors carry over to the OEE Combined chart and help you identify each data metric when you save them on a desktop, for example, as shown below. Applies to OEE line- and bar-type charts. See Using colors for OEE Data for more information.

Send a desktop to Microsoft PowerPoint or Word

Now you can send all the charts and dashboards saved on a desktop directly to a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or to Word. You can also select only specific items to send.

Specify the stack order of dashboard controls

You can specify the order in which dashboard controls display on a dashboard window—which ones display in the foreground in the event they overlap. This is called the "Z-order" of objects.

Send data from a Dashboard Grid control to Microsoft Excel

Now you can use the right-click Send Control To menu option to send data for a Dashboard Grid control to Microsoft Excel.

Window's Jump List feature enabled for GainSeeker

Now you can use the Windows Jump List feature with GainSeeker to gain quick access from your workstation's taskbar to desktops, dashboards, and reports you have recently used. This feature is available for the GainSeeker Charts module (dashboards and desktops) and the Dynamic Reports module.

New command line arguments

New parameters to have GainSeeker automatically open a desktop with these retrieval options you set for charts:

New parameters to have GainSeeker automatically open OEE charts.

Updated or new template commands for version 8.3.1

New utility removes all traces of GainSeeker from a workstation

Enhancements to some GainSeeker Utility module functions

LaunchPad features updated interface and functionality

GainSeeker LaunchPad is revamped with an updated, but familiar display. A few changes improve Choose button and File menu functionality. LaunchPad's quick-start buttons offer access to GainSeeker modules with a click.

What's new in GainSeeker version 8.3

OEE charts in the GainSeeker Charts module

Improve the efficiency of your planned production time

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) tells you the percentage of time that your planned production time is fully utilized. GainSeeker calculates the overall OEE percentage using the percentages from three submetrics measured in your plant: Availability, Performance, and Quality. An overall OEE percentage of 85% or more is considered World Class Manufacturing. OEE charts are similar to DPU charts in that they use percentages to group data by a time period, such as shift, hour, day, or week.

Use OEE data to:

See OEE Charts for more information

GainSeeker Inspections module

Easily create comprehensive inspections to run on a Mobile Device, PC, or both

The GainSeeker Inspections module features the Inspection Editor shown below. Use it to create inspections you can have up and running in minutes. No template writing is required, but you can optionally write templates to create advanced inspection enhancements.

GainSeeker Utility module

Improved functionality and easier to use functions—revamped and all in one module

The GainSeeker Utility module is a collection of practical functions designed to help you easily maintain your GainSeeker system. The legacy Utility modules are still available in GainSeeker version 8.3 .

Updated or new template commands version 8.3

New Group DPU or OEE chart data by options

Now you can group data on an OEE or DPU chart by Day/Shift or several other added time increments. Data grouped by Day/Shift displays data for each shift in a 24-hour day.

New DMS cost information option

Hertzler Systems planning to phase out of some legacy GainSeeker modules

The following modules are legacy GainSeeker modules. They are still available with version 8.3 for alternate use.

The new GainSeeker Utility module can now be used in place of these legacy modules:

The GainSeeker Charts and the Dynamic Reports modules can now be used in place of these legacy modules: